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The Megaphone Marine
“In the face of tyranny, in the face of freedom, are you going to sit there in your riot gear against peaceful protesters?” asked Williams. “Or are you going to say, ‘you know what, it’s time to stand up for my country. Because I took an oath of office and it said, ‘I will defend against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Speaking at ChiroFest
As a young child, Dr. Williams watched his grandfather Cordie Lee Mays pass away on machines as he fed him his last meal. In fact, he watched three of his four grandparents lose their battles with cancer under the medical paradigm – and then almost losing his mother in 2011. This ignited a lifelong passion in him to help people holistically. The trials and tribulations of sickness and loss only strengthened Dr. William’s inner desire to help heal and educate society about the body’s innate and internal ability to heal itself.

1776 to 2022 - U.S. Senate Candidate Dr. Cordie Williams
Meet Dr. Cordie Williams
Republican for US Senate in California
Dr. Cordie Williams is a former United States Marine and has built a successful chiropractic business in San Diego County with his wife Dr. Tania Williams. Dr. Williams co-founded an organization as an expression of his desire to protect Californians’ right to make important decisions for themselves and their families due to the pandemic eroding freedom to make individual choices. Therefore, the time is now to elect leaders who have more faith in the citizenry than in government.
Cordie Williams will be challenging controversial appointed incumbent Alex Padilla in the June 2022 Open California Primary Election. Vice President Kamala Harris held the seat prior to the 2020 election.
“I spent years in the Marines fighting to make America free and to protect each of our lives from terrorism here and abroad. I am a Republican running for the US Senate because politicians like Alex Padilla are destroying the California Dream by turning it into an unrecognizable third world nation. In 1998, I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution. My oath did not end when I left the Marines.” -Dr. Cordie Williams

Reject Wannabe Career Politicians. Help Elect a Marine.
The Mission
Dr. Cordie Williams is a Republican dedicated to solving the most pressing problems in the Country he loves. Californians deserve to have elected leaders like Dr. Cordie who will provide solutions to the problems they face in everyday life. Visit the issues page to learn more about Dr. Cordie’s mission.

Dr. Cordie Williams took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. He is running for the U.S. Senate to continue upholding this oath.
Californians deserve to have elected leaders like Dr. Cordie who will provide solutions to the problems they face in everyday life. Get the word out about Dr. Cordie.
Download his free flyers now and share with your family and friends to learn more about his mission.